An applicant who has graduated in any discipline of knowledge from a University established by an Act of Parliament or by a State Legislature or an equivalent National Institution recognized as a deemed University or Foreign University recognized as equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an authority competent to declare equivalence, may apply for 3 year degree course in Law.
For admission to the 3 Year LL.B. Course, a person shall possess a Degree of any University with a minimum percentage of 45% in the Degree Examinations and 40% in case of SC and ST applicants. The student should have undertaken 10+2+3 pattern of studies.
Student seeking admission to the first Year should submit the following documents at the time of admission:
Reservation : Reservation for the SC/ST and other backward classes shall be made in accordance with the directions of Government in force from time to time.
Scheme of examination for each paper is 80 + 20. University examination for 80 marks for 3 hours duration and internal assessment for 20 marks will be conducted in the college as per university circular.
No candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination of any semester unless he/she has obtained a minimum of 40% of marks in each of the paper.
Candidates passing the examination of all the semester as provided above shall be awarded following classes: