Seshadripuram Law College Seshadripuram, Bengaluru-560020 ( Affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi
& Recognised by Government of Karnataka and Approved by Bar Council of India, New Delhi)


Admission Procedure

Admission to the courses will be commenced in the month of June every year. Candidates seeking admission are to note the following:

  • Application forms and information brochure are to be obtained from the College office on payment of prescribed fee.
  • Filled in application forms are to be submitted before the date notified. Merit list will be notified on the college notice board.
  • Provisionally selected candidates will be interviewed by the Principal. Parents must accompany the candidates at the time of interview.
  • Prescribed fee is to be paid at the time of admission along with the required documents and certificates.

While merit at the qualifying examination shall normally be the basis of making admission to the courses, the rules of reservations followed by the University shall be applicable.

The application form is available in the college.

Information Brochure will be sent by post on payment of Rs 300/- through a Demand Draft in favour of "The Principal, Seshadripuram Law College" Payable at Bengaluru.

Every student's admission to the Course is provisional subject to the approval by the University. In case of non approval the student will have to seek readmission to the I year LL.B. Therefore the students are hereby warned to submit the required documents at the earliest and in case of delay, College authorities are not responsible for non-approval or cancellation of candidature of their admission to the I Year LL. B. For any reason if the admission is not approved or cancelled tuition fees paid by that student will not be refunded.

To seek admission or for promotion to the next semester the student should have paid the examination fee for the previous semesters.

Students appearing for the first time for any semester examination should have paid the tuition fee for that class and the examination fee for the previous semesters, promptly. If the student fails to pay the examination fee for any semester then his/her admission to that particular class stands cancelled automatically. He/she will have to seek readmission to that class by paying tuition fee again and pay the examination fee for the odd or even semester in that class and then only that student will be allowed to write the examination.

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