Seshadripuram Law College Seshadripuram, Bengaluru-560020 ( Affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi
& Recognised by Government of Karnataka and Approved by Bar Council of India, New Delhi)


Eligibility for Promotion to Higher Classes - for both 5yr and 3yr LL.B.

To Seek admission or for promotion to the next higher semester the student should have paid the examination fee for the previous semesters.

Students appearing for the first time for any semester examination have to pay the tuition fee for the class and the examination fee for both the semesters, promptly. If the student fails to pay the examination fee for any semester then his/her admission to that particular class stands cancelled automatically. He/she will have to seek readmission to that class by paying tuition fee again and pay the examination fee for the odd or even semester in that class and then only that student will be allowed to write the examination. Student will be allowed to take the supplementary examinations

Eligibility criteria for 5yr LL.B. Course:

  • No student shall be promoted to the next year of the course unless he/ she has passed in minimum 2 subjects in each class.
  • Students are required to complete successfully the entire course within 10 years from the date of admission.

Eligibility criteria for 3yr LL.B. Course:

  • Students are required to complete successfully the entire course within 6 years from the date of admission.
  • Total carryover system from I semester to VI semester permissible to 3yr LL.B. course, subject to payment of examination fee for the prescribed semester examination.

Student who discontinues the course is required to pay the prescribed tuition fee for all the three/five years of LL.B. course.

Payment of examination fee is compulsory after every semester to complete the course

No candidate shall be eligible to move to the next higher class unless he has passed the semester examination of lower class as prescribed by Regulations.

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